
The work environment at my job makes working a straight 5 day week so damn hard

I'm just a secretary but I stay because it's a state job and it'll do for now. Anyways the office is literally freezing, there's a stupid radio that the other ladies turn on every single day that plays the same radio station songs all day, my supervisor talks way too fucking much, he opens and slams his door millions of times a day, the lady who sits next to me gossips and talks and laughs horrendously loud every time there's one quiet moment (an extrovert who can't stand silence), and people who come in and out our office just to escape their office and use our area as a talking meet up spot. It's horrendous and every single day I want to cry and make an excuse to leave early. We are not allowed to bring our personal phones or use earphones at work (in a prison). I've been applying…

I'm just a secretary but I stay because it's a state job and it'll do for now. Anyways the office is literally freezing, there's a stupid radio that the other ladies turn on every single day that plays the same radio station songs all day, my supervisor talks way too fucking much, he opens and slams his door millions of times a day, the lady who sits next to me gossips and talks and laughs horrendously loud every time there's one quiet moment (an extrovert who can't stand silence), and people who come in and out our office just to escape their office and use our area as a talking meet up spot. It's horrendous and every single day I want to cry and make an excuse to leave early. We are not allowed to bring our personal phones or use earphones at work (in a prison).

I've been applying for other jobs but haven't heard back from anyone yet. Hoping to get out of here soon. How can I manage a situation like this?? I'm a quiet introvert and didn't know this environment was like this until well after I started. I literally hate this job (and working in general).

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