
I just got fucked over.

Where do I even start. I was supposed to get a new job soon, and it would've been life changing. For ten months, I'm been slaving away at multiple jobs just to get the bare minimum I need to get bye. I don't have extra income to spend on things for myself. I don't have time to see my friends or just fucking REST in general. I bust my fucking ass wide open, and yet, all the fuck I get in return is to be “allowed” to survive. I have been constantly sending applications to every decently paying job that pops up. Every single fucking one, and I don't get a single response. Well, a friend finally got me in contact with someone cause they were sympathetic about my situation. Their job set up an actual interview with me, and asked when I could start. Only thing is, I'm in…

Where do I even start.

I was supposed to get a new job soon, and it would've been life changing. For ten months, I'm been slaving away at multiple jobs just to get the bare minimum I need to get bye.

I don't have extra income to spend on things for myself. I don't have time to see my friends or just fucking REST in general. I bust my fucking ass wide open, and yet, all the fuck I get in return is to be “allowed” to survive.

I have been constantly sending applications to every decently paying job that pops up. Every single fucking one, and I don't get a single response.

Well, a friend finally got me in contact with someone cause they were sympathetic about my situation. Their job set up an actual interview with me, and asked when I could start.

Only thing is, I'm in the reserves and just so happened to have annual training start that week. It would be two weeks long, and I wouldn't be able to start until the 21st of August.

“That's fine”

They said, just make sure to send us the signed offer letter.

Of course, I had to pay all my bills before I left for 2 weeks to do annual training. This meant I have to cut costs on shit like internet, so I couldn't use my computer to send it.

My shitty ass phone that I've had for five years, by some miracle, allowed me to download an app that would let me download and edit pdf documents. All I had to do was delete half my photos and videos for the storage. I guess fuck poor people for thinking they were allowed to keep sentimental photos, right?

But at least I could send the offer letter. But oh no! It turns out Verizon decided to shut off my data the very SECOND I left for annual training. So I'm there, away from home with no way to use my phone.

I wait until Wednesday, where I finally get my most recent paycheck from my regular job. The entire goddamn paycheck, the whole thing, is used up JUST to get my data back on. So I send the email with the offer letter.

The whole time I'm at AT, I'm talking with other people who have the job, and I'm actually feeling pretty good for once. Not only will I have a reasonable amount of income, but I'll be working with people I know and enjoy being around. Things are looking up.

Imagine my surprise when I don't hear from the new company, so I text my friend asking for an update, and then he tells me they DIDN'T get the fucking offer letter.

I look at my emails, and holy fucking shit, the email, even thought it said “sent” when I attempted to send it, got stuck in the queue. And it just sat there. Stuck in the queue the entire time.

I try re-sending it after updating the date on the document, and it still doesn't go through. I frantically Google why this is happening and try to find a solution.

Turns out, my shitty fucking phone that I can't afford to replace, doesn't have enough STORAGE to SEND an EMAIL.

So I delete every single app that I can, and delete even more photos, until finally it leaves the queue. I leave a voice-mail for the recruiter, telling them they should have the email now.

Nope, sorry, my position is already taken by someone else because the offer letter took too long to get to them.

Fuck me for being too poor to get a new phone, right?

And then as if on que, my landlord knocks on my door to tell me I have to MOVE OUT by September fucking first. I wish I was joking.

So now I'm frantically applying for other jobs that actually pay decent, because I'm not on any shifts this week for my regular job.

Not a single fucking employer is reaching out to me. Not a single God damn one.

Fuck everything. Fucking piece of shit country. Why is it possible for me to bust my ass so hard, just to get nothing? I thought working hard meant you GET something? Where's my fucking reward? Where the fuck is it? Why have I been struggling and grinding nonstop all fucking year? When the the fuck do I get something? When?

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