
Part time benefits/Full time expectations

I was hired for a position to work 4 hours a day. To complete all of the work assigned it requires 6 hours. I recently suggested to my employers I was getting burnt out with the additional hours and unable to maintain them. The answer for them was to ask me to come in an hour earlier. I still work several hours extra after work but also work an hour earlier now. Trying to find a job with the limited hours and my current pay has been impossible. How do I fix my current situation?

I was hired for a position to work 4 hours a day. To complete all of the work assigned it requires 6 hours. I recently suggested to my employers I was getting burnt out with the additional hours and unable to maintain them. The answer for them was to ask me to come in an hour earlier. I still work several hours extra after work but also work an hour earlier now. Trying to find a job with the limited hours and my current pay has been impossible. How do I fix my current situation?

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