
Unpaid Training at Home??

So my work is switching over to a new payroll thing, I think. As a part of it, we're supposed to go through 2 mandatory trainings/certificates, along with all of the other “paperwork” and task fulfillment of the onboarding. It's taken HOURS over the past several days. It's consumed my days off of work. I've easily spent 6+ hours doing the actual “training” and onboard fulfillment, not to mention all the hours I spent on the other websites that were required (they didn't work very well, and took forever to confirm or go through). The certificates cost me money; I'm not doing super hot on cash rn, so being made to spend money on things for work, other than work clothes/shoes, is really not cool. I asked my general manager if we're getting paid for the labor of training, or if we're being reimbursed for the certificates, that we already…

So my work is switching over to a new payroll thing, I think. As a part of it, we're supposed to go through 2 mandatory trainings/certificates, along with all of the other “paperwork” and task fulfillment of the onboarding. It's taken HOURS over the past several days. It's consumed my days off of work. I've easily spent 6+ hours doing the actual “training” and onboard fulfillment, not to mention all the hours I spent on the other websites that were required (they didn't work very well, and took forever to confirm or go through). The certificates cost me money; I'm not doing super hot on cash rn, so being made to spend money on things for work, other than work clothes/shoes, is really not cool.

I asked my general manager if we're getting paid for the labor of training, or if we're being reimbursed for the certificates, that we already did these trainings for – that we didn't have to pay for, but also weren't paid to do – just a few months ago. And now we're doing these same topics all over again just because it's a new system. She said no to both. I really feel like this isn't right. That's almost 100$ of unpaid labor. It's going to be even more, because I'm not done with the stupid modules from the training/certificate thing. Does anyone have any advice? I feel like this is super illegal, but Idk what to do about it. I live in California, if that helps with legal advice.

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