
An Offer Of $14 Per Hour For Double the Performance Of the Last Guy???

Tentatively started a new job today. I agreed to come in and work for a few hours while we continued to discuss an acceptable pay range. She wanted to start me at $13 per hour, while my other job is already paying me between $17 and $25 per hour depending on the job. After she watched me perform for awhile, she stated that I had already done in my first day what would have taken the guy currently responsible for the job two days to complete. My math says I'm worth twice whatever he's making. They said they can start me at $14 per hour then charged me $9 for a burger and fries. You won't pay me anywhere near what you admit I'm worth, but you still want me back tomorrow? I'll never pay for another meal there again

Tentatively started a new job today. I agreed to come in and work for a few hours while we continued to discuss an acceptable pay range. She wanted to start me at $13 per hour, while my other job is already paying me between $17 and $25 per hour depending on the job. After she watched me perform for awhile, she stated that I had already done in my first day what would have taken the guy currently responsible for the job two days to complete. My math says I'm worth twice whatever he's making. They said they can start me at $14 per hour then charged me $9 for a burger and fries. You won't pay me anywhere near what you admit I'm worth, but you still want me back tomorrow? I'll never pay for another meal there again

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