
The problem with Work isn’t that we aren’t paid enough…

It's that we have no control over the profits our labor produces. Even if you made $60 dollars an hour, the only reason you're allowed to make that much by your employer is that the product you're helping to create, is worth at least Twice as much (per hour you've worked on it.) Answer me this: Why does your employer, the person who does basically nothing to actually create the product, get to decide how the fruits of your labor, are allocated? Why does he get a bigger share than the ones who actually did the work? Capitalism. The problem with work is Capitalism. The Solution is Democratic Socialism. Putting the deciding power of how Surplus is spent, into the people that are creating that surplus. Capitalism only works for people who are good at, and morally ok with, exploiting people. If you want to earn an honest living for…

It's that we have no control over the profits our labor produces. Even if you made $60 dollars an hour, the only reason you're allowed to make that much by your employer is that the product you're helping to create, is worth at least Twice as much (per hour you've worked on it.) Answer me this: Why does your employer, the person who does basically nothing to actually create the product, get to decide how the fruits of your labor, are allocated? Why does he get a bigger share than the ones who actually did the work?

Capitalism. The problem with work is Capitalism. The Solution is Democratic Socialism. Putting the deciding power of how Surplus is spent, into the people that are creating that surplus. Capitalism only works for people who are good at, and morally ok with, exploiting people. If you want to earn an honest living for your work, you have to also a voice in how many hours you work, how much work you do, and how much you get paid. Under the current system, you NEVER get all 3 of these unless you're self employed.

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