
Lost my job offer because I’m colorblind

I’m a pharmacist that recently got hired at a hospital. During my employee health screening, they asked me if I had any vision problems. I told them I was colorblind because it hasn’t affected me in any of my other jobs. The job offer didn’t say anything about needing to differentiate colors. I have a meeting with management to address their concerns about my “condition”. They’re worried I won’t be able to check certain intravenous medications (IV bags containing chemotherapies) that are red and green. However, those particular meds are still very distinguishable for me (ruby red vs yellow green). I checked these exact meds daily at my other job. Two weeks later, I receive an email from HR saying they rescind my job offer… I already left my full time job with benefits and vacation hours. That’s all gone now. this feels like discrimination For anyone asking what colorblind…

I’m a pharmacist that recently got hired at a hospital. During my employee health screening, they asked me if I had any vision problems. I told them I was colorblind because it hasn’t affected me in any of my other jobs. The job offer didn’t say anything about needing to differentiate colors. I have a meeting with management to address their concerns about my “condition”. They’re worried I won’t be able to check certain intravenous medications (IV bags containing chemotherapies) that are red and green. However, those particular meds are still very distinguishable for me (ruby red vs yellow green). I checked these exact meds daily at my other job. Two weeks later, I receive an email from HR saying they rescind my job offer…

I already left my full time job with benefits and vacation hours. That’s all gone now. this feels like discrimination

For anyone asking what colorblind people see, I have red-green colorblindness, which means CERTAIN shades or red and green are hard to distinguish. I still see colors like anyone else, but certain shades of red and green can look similar. Though the color of tomato is very distinguishable from the color of grass or a lime.

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