
I’ve decided I’m only going to work 3 out of 5 days of the week

After being assigned a year long project by another department that I don't even work for (and my boss just went along with it) my desire to even show up to this place has fizzled to none. I'm already behind and highly doubt I'll finish by next August no matter how fast I go so instead of stressing myself out 5 days a week I'm working 3 days. Monday I won't do shit because the weekend goes by too fast, Tuesday through Thursday I work my butt off, Friday I won't do shit so I can prepare for the weekend. Sounds like a plan! They're not checking my progress anyways. This place may not even exist after a year due to legal FDA troubles

After being assigned a year long project by another department that I don't even work for (and my boss just went along with it) my desire to even show up to this place has fizzled to none. I'm already behind and highly doubt I'll finish by next August no matter how fast I go so instead of stressing myself out 5 days a week I'm working 3 days. Monday I won't do shit because the weekend goes by too fast, Tuesday through Thursday I work my butt off, Friday I won't do shit so I can prepare for the weekend.

Sounds like a plan! They're not checking my progress anyways. This place may not even exist after a year due to legal FDA troubles

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