
What part of this conversation don’t you understand?

Where I was working, there were 3 key holders, The Manager, me the (Asst, Manager and our full time employee. The others who worked were part-time employees. As a Key Holder, you would be responsible for either opening or closing. (sometimes both.) Closing duty were more involved as it would require one to do the days end paperwork and bank deposit. The Manager was an avid golfer and would leave early everyday thus leaving either myself or the full-timer the duty to close. Knowing that if I was off the clock while doing the bank run, should I be injured during a hold-up, traffic accident etc., the company wold be Scott free of any medical claims or compensation. So I always remained on the clock until the banking was done, returned to the store and punched out. As stated earlier the manager was an avid golfer, thus he would not…

Where I was working, there were 3 key holders, The Manager, me the (Asst, Manager and our full time employee. The others who worked were part-time employees.

As a Key Holder, you would be responsible for either opening or closing. (sometimes both.) Closing duty were more involved as it would require one to do the days end paperwork and bank deposit.

The Manager was an avid golfer and would leave early everyday thus leaving either myself or the full-timer the duty to close. Knowing that if I was off the clock while doing the bank run, should I be injured during a hold-up, traffic accident etc., the company wold be Scott free of any medical claims or compensation. So I always remained on the clock until the banking was done, returned to the store and punched out.

As stated earlier the manager was an avid golfer, thus he would not work Saturdays. This left Saturday duty to the full-time employee of myself. This wasn’t too bad as we rotated weekends.

But the full timer had an off-duty drinking problem and lost his drivers license, and per company policy, you could not be a key holder if you did not have a drivers license. So the manager (not wanting to give up his Saturday morning tee off time, came up with a plan that on my Saturdays off I would have to open up the store Saturday morning, (counting out the tills etc. etc) and then turn the operation over to the full timer for the day, then come back at closing time and take care of closing duties.

It sucked, but one thing for sure, if I was there, I was punched in. There’s no way I work for free.

Fast forward about 6 months and the manager sits me down to do my review, (Mid afternoon on a Friday) Much to my surprise, I find that I am being written up for abusing overtime.

As he’s requesting that I sign the write up I reached over to one of the computers and brought up my hours for the week, turned to him and ended the conversation with, “I see that I’m already on overtime, so I will have to leave now and I’ll take the writeup with me to review over the weekend.”

I then punched out and headed for the door. That’s when he called out to me… “You’re coming in tomorrow to open and close aren’t you?”

I stopped, turned to look straight at him, and said, “What part of this conversation that you and I just had, don’t you understand?” turned and left.

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