
Advice for Leaving a Job/Remote Work Shuffle

Trying to be brief here: My current position informed me during recruitment that it would be 1-2 days in the office. When I got the contract it says 3 days in the office(I could pick the days). I raised the issue with the person doing the hiring and the person that would be my direct manager(separate people). The hiring person said they wouldn’t budge on this. The direct manager said just sign it and we’ll work things out ourselves. My manager and I did just that and I very happily went in about once a week for awhile. At the beginning of this year my job went completely remote for a couple months and I was even happier. Then we started coming back to the office. During return to the office it seems the issue of my days in the office was raise as part of a change in the…

Trying to be brief here:
My current position informed me during recruitment that it would be 1-2 days in the office. When I got the contract it says 3 days in the office(I could pick the days). I raised the issue with the person doing the hiring and the person that would be my direct manager(separate people). The hiring person said they wouldn’t budge on this. The direct manager said just sign it and we’ll work things out ourselves. My manager and I did just that and I very happily went in about once a week for awhile.

At the beginning of this year my job went completely remote for a couple months and I was even happier. Then we started coming back to the office. During return to the office it seems the issue of my days in the office was raise as part of a change in the policy on remote work. The main part of this change was that I could no longer pick which days to be in the office.

After going back and forth for a few month I had a meeting yesterday with several manager where we went over the situation. 24 hours later I have again been told that they would not honor the 1-2 days in the office that I was recruited on. I was asked if I could still accommodate the 3 days in the office schedule. I’m not able to accommodate that. If I go in 3 days a week, transport costs would be half of what I make for the week.

I’m unsure how to proceed. Should I quit? Should I wait to be fired? I’m technically at will but have a salary. I have some PTO banked as well.

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