
Pretty sure my work took all my vacation days when I got Covid, that was supposed to be covered under their own policy.

I had Covid and my company paid my while I was out. I tried to go back after a couple weeks, but my Dr. took me out because of persistent issues. Pretty sure they just used all my vacation time to cover me going back out, even though it should have fallen under their policy guidelines. I don't know what to do, I'm extremely burned out and I need that time. Edit* I should also add that my boss is an extreme covid denier and anti vaxxer inside a massive multi national company.

I had Covid and my company paid my while I was out. I tried to go back after a couple weeks, but my Dr. took me out because of persistent issues. Pretty sure they just used all my vacation time to cover me going back out, even though it should have fallen under their policy guidelines. I don't know what to do, I'm extremely burned out and I need that time.

Edit* I should also add that my boss is an extreme covid denier and anti vaxxer inside a massive multi national company.

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