Tl:dr, my boss fired me after she decided she didnt like me. Got me to thinking, they've messed up my checks, fired me for no good reason, I'm salty. So I'm looking for the best followup steps. I live in Texas.
TW I worked in a mortuary and may mention death or deceased humans in the body and comments of the post.
I was hired on to be a removal tech, we basically wait at the office or on call until we get a call to go do a removal. A few months ago I got a late night call and my assigned body buddy was my bosslady. I know already she is bad at the paperwork, but really the entire call went about as rough as it could've thanks to her. On the way to the call as I was driving I was chatting about hoping we didnt have to lift off the floor because my body was hurting and I didnt think I could straight lift, good thing we have cots that lock. That was where I effed up.
Proceed to a few weeks later, when bosslady comes out to give us call info and starts filling out a packet. I tell her dont worry I will do it on the way, as the passenger. She keeps on and I ask her not too because she messed up the last one. She gets all huffy, I dont kiss ass because she did do it wrong. I keep on keepin on.
Now we skip over to the beginning of this month. I come in after my day off and calling in the following day, leftovers from being sick on the weekend with a doc note too. I come in and my lights that I brought for out back and the little decorative porch thingy I had hung up in the smoking area were inside in a bag. My name was erased off the schedule. Hmmm… she asks me about the note and why I called in. Then tries to send me home to think about things. I'm like etf, I dont have anything to think about? She brings up not liking my attitude, referances the paperwork incident. I tell her again I'm not gonna lie to her face and tell her its right if its not. She mentions the school bus thing from the same call, and when I remind her I was driving legally she shuts down into “Well I'm not going to argue with you” and tells me again to go home. We back and forth for a minute and I fjnally tell her to either fire me or let me finish out my shift. So she fires me. For note this was the first time any issues had been addressed with me. Fun fact for ya'll.
Afterwards I asked her specifically why she was firing me, so she listed off these three reasons.
1. Insubordination.
2. Refusal of calls.
3. Sited my weight lifting limit from that call.
Well ok the insub I guess.
The refusal of calls is bullshit, I have refused almost no calls, and other employees do so freely at least once a week.
The weight limit, was not mentioned when I was hired on. Has never once stopped me from showing up and doing my job without complaint. And seems a little sus when I know shes hired 2 people knowing they had bad backs.
As for the money, I know they fudged they pay and have shorted us by a few hrs here and there. However i think the rates they have been paying us maybe also illegal? I try to explain it below.
We were paid $125 day for 8-5 shift. I worked 4 of those in a week amounting to 36 hrs. So the first 4 hours of being on call are at my hourly rate. But not the $13.89 you get from the $125/ 9hrs. No my hourly is $12.50. But my OT is 18.75. Also I do not get compensated for being on call (5-6 days a week 24 hours) unless I actually get called in.
What should be my first steps and also like second and third. This is the first job I ever liked and enjoyed and cared about loosing. I am having so very many emotions and no idea where to get help to acomplish things. Thanks to anyone who reads =]