
Dutch national railway and several regional busdrivers are on strike. Today starts a 24 hour strike of the national railway. No trains will be running in the country and many local busdrivers across the country are also on strike. The dutch railway company has already admitted they made mistakes in not hiring enough people, leading to long workhours and a lot of workers being overworked. But the FNV union has not accepted the railway companies offer of a 5% pay increase and a one time bonus.

Today starts a 24 hour strike of the national railway. No trains will be running in the country and many local busdrivers across the country are also on strike.

The dutch railway company has already admitted they made mistakes in not hiring enough people, leading to long workhours and a lot of workers being overworked. But the FNV union has not accepted the railway companies offer of a 5% pay increase and a one time bonus.

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