
Finally Left my Job of 3 Years

For context I was a retail employee, Ever since I started there it was constant berating over the smallest stuff. Didn't empty the garbage (even though it wasn't my job, and we had a policy against cashiers emptying the trash), didn't sweep the sidewalk, didn't have enough carts in before break. This isn't even mentioning the complete lack of communication between management (this part is relevant later). Going to the other side of the lot to grab carts when my end was clear (also relevant). Not to mention they had halved our hours while continually hiring new people, so most of our experienced staff were leaving in droves for better jobs. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was a few weeks ago when I was sweeping the sidewalk, DH “OP, why is [Co-Worker] bringing in the disabled cart?” OP “It was on his end of the lot, I…

For context I was a retail employee, Ever since I started there it was constant berating over the smallest stuff. Didn't empty the garbage (even though it wasn't my job, and we had a policy against cashiers emptying the trash), didn't sweep the sidewalk, didn't have enough carts in before break. This isn't even mentioning the complete lack of communication between management (this part is relevant later). Going to the other side of the lot to grab carts when my end was clear (also relevant). Not to mention they had halved our hours while continually hiring new people, so most of our experienced staff were leaving in droves for better jobs.

The straw that finally broke the camel's back was a few weeks ago when I was sweeping the sidewalk,

DH “OP, why is [Co-Worker] bringing in the disabled cart?”
OP “It was on his end of the lot, I was explicitly told to not go to the other half of the parking lot no matter what.”
DH: “Well he's a minor, they can't be bringing it inside, and it's COMMON SENSE that you should help him when your end's empty, so shut up and DO. YOUR. JOB.”

Keep in mind I was never told he was a minor and he was a big dude so there was no way I could tell he was under 18 EVEN if we had a specific policy or law preventing this.

After this interaction the supervisor (Not the department head) would come out every 3 minutes to berate me over something minor, a piece of paper in a parking space, me grabbing 1 cart when that's all there is left, etc. after I am scheduled to go home I am met with this gem from my department head,

DH: “When is your next shift??”
I reply with the scheduled date
“Before you are to begin your shift, you are to report to GM to talk about your future in this company!”
At this point I'd had enough and said, “Alright” and went home, the fabled next shift rolls around and I report to GM

Me: “Good morning GM, I was told to talk to you before my shift today.”
GM: “I was never told that you were coming OP, what were you sent here for?”

The department head forgot to tell the manager WHY I was sent to him

Me: No idea, I was just told to come to you first thing in the morning.
GM: You don't know and I don't know, so just head back to work and I'll let you know what DH said.

He never asked what DH wanted to talk to GM about. So now I knew my department was out to get rid of me, and so I applied to another store (again will not name for anonymity sake!) And they gave me a job on the spot with double the hours and a 10 cent pay raise with automatic raises yearly (built into a Union Contract).

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