
The straw that broke this cammels back

I was working at a major retailer, hating my life and this is the email that made me quit, it was sent to the whole store by our GM All, I know the work and stress in our world is over whelming and we feel defeated. We do not see a bright future. I promise you it is just beyond the clouds and better days are coming. The times we are going through now will only make us appreciate the good times heading towards us at a fast pace. Believe it is coming for it is. Think of those who were in battles of the Civil War, World Wars, Plagues and our team members who have served in Afghanistan. I would take the Covid stress over facing the battle field. We have team members who carry the scares of losing loved ones to Covid and those scars like war wounds…

I was working at a major retailer, hating my life and this is the email that made me quit, it was sent to the whole store by our GM


I know the work and stress in our world is over whelming and we feel defeated. We do not see a bright future. I promise you it is just beyond the clouds and better days are coming. The times we are going through now will only make us appreciate the good times heading towards us at a fast pace. Believe it is coming for it is. Think of those who were in battles of the Civil War, World Wars, Plagues and our team members who have served in Afghanistan. I would take the Covid stress over facing the battle field. We have team members who carry the scares of losing loved ones to Covid and those scars like war wounds will live with them forever.

We must believe and know this difficult time is temporary and will not last. Every generation goes through several challenges. I guess it is the way life is designed. We get stressed to the breaking point like a grape on a fine wine. The coddled plump juicy grapes are full of water and do not make a fine wine but the stressed one brings flavor to those who consume it. You are all being turned into flavorful rich wines that will bring encouragement and hope to future generations who are not here yet. You will share your stories of trial, perseverance and victory to help them carry on when the struggles hit them.

Lets have hope and be on the vine together until we are bottled up for a celebration of good times!!!

It is such an honor to work with each and every one of you.

(General manager)

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