
Need advice on revamped Resume

I've talked about it plenty on here already about my previous job – why I quit. Basically I consider myself to be an Empath, Considerate, Selfless, Subservient & Compliant – the list goes on – because I enjoy being that way, helping others. But that started to be abused & used against me at my last job in a Kitchen until I opened my eyes & quit. Never been happier. & ever since I quit – they've been struggling with staff ever since – I felt that I kept that place running as I took on a lot of responsibilities. I've learned to become Selfish for when that happens – because my helpful personality wasn't just abused by Employers before – family as well. My last job wouldn't give me to time or day to do the things I enjoyed, even though I'm supposed to be entitled to 3 weeks…

I've talked about it plenty on here already about my previous job – why I quit. Basically I consider myself to be an Empath, Considerate, Selfless, Subservient & Compliant – the list goes on – because I enjoy being that way, helping others. But that started to be abused & used against me at my last job in a Kitchen until I opened my eyes & quit. Never been happier. & ever since I quit – they've been struggling with staff ever since – I felt that I kept that place running as I took on a lot of responsibilities. I've learned to become Selfish for when that happens – because my helpful personality wasn't just abused by Employers before – family as well. My last job wouldn't give me to time or day to do the things I enjoyed, even though I'm supposed to be entitled to 3 weeks vacation after working there 6 years – I don't get that. 1 employee got every Saturday off because he was part of a Bowling club & that didn't count towards his vacation time. Right after I quit, a waitress got vacation time approved to go out of province for over a week. WTF. They said they wouldn't give me the time off because they couldn't afford to have me gone for over 4 days. – So quiting made things real easy & got my time off that way.

Now- since then I've joined a Vintage Motorcycle Racing Organization as a Volunteer/Future Motorcycle racer – I am a Motorcyclist & have been the past 7 years & I want to take it up a notch & I plan on taking all the necessary training next spring to hopfully start racing on the track in the summer, you might disagree but I don't see my time racing & doing the required by law training to get my Racing License as time off -using Vacation time. I see that as more of a necessary commitment & I'm not available to work those days. I'm at the point where I've had such a bad experience with employers that they have to impress me enough for me to continue working for them – not the other way around. I'm tired of having employers tell me what I can or cannot do.

So I was thinking of adding a section to my resume of Volunteer services & Organizations I'm a part of – briefly describe what I do. Has anyone else done something similar? List what pastimes/hobbies – groups you're a part of? Do they respect your time knowing you do those other things for a living?
How did you word it? Thanks, any advice is appreciated.

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