
Fiance’s manager never keeps the hours he schedules.

It's infuriating to watch. Every single shift, every person there is either sent home early or kept for hours afterward. It's hit the point where I don't even ask when he's supposed to be off, he just lets me know the rough time to come pick him up when he finally squeezes an answer out of the general manager. It's a food service place, so I understand labor costs dictating that some people need to go home early even if it sucks, but if it's dead quiet all day and you're going to have to send someone home only an hour or two into their shift I don't know why you'd have them come in at all. It'd save us gas/bus money and the company labor hours if he was asked to just not come in at all. The hit to his paycheck sucks but $30 before taxes just isn't…

It's infuriating to watch. Every single shift, every person there is either sent home early or kept for hours afterward. It's hit the point where I don't even ask when he's supposed to be off, he just lets me know the rough time to come pick him up when he finally squeezes an answer out of the general manager.

It's a food service place, so I understand labor costs dictating that some people need to go home early even if it sucks, but if it's dead quiet all day and you're going to have to send someone home only an hour or two into their shift I don't know why you'd have them come in at all. It'd save us gas/bus money and the company labor hours if he was asked to just not come in at all. The hit to his paycheck sucks but $30 before taxes just isn't worth coming in.

They can't just refuse to work the extra hours tacked onto the end of the day either, because the general manager will be icy toward them and allude to cutting hours elsewhere if they're getting ready to leave at the scheduled time instead of asking how long he wants them to stay.

Witnessing it makes me glad I don't have to work fast food jobs anymore, I can tell you that much. Anyone who does deserves $40 an hour and a medal just to deal with management, let alone customers.

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