
Paycheck woes

Advice request on a work issue. Any legal advice or bargaining advice would be welcomed. A month ago I was able to open a bank account with a national chain instead of my hometown's local credit union, and got it confirmed in writing from personnel at work that my direct deposit would be canceled and switched for my new bank account this past pay cycle. Only to discover that the worker who I talked to didn't submit the cancel request when they said, and submitted everything the day before payday. My check was written to a closed account instead of the standard first check for the new account. I called personnel to see if they could fix it before the end of the day, and they said they couldn't fix their mistake until next week. The guy I talked to implied it was my fault and said they'd have to…

Advice request on a work issue. Any legal advice or bargaining advice would be welcomed.

A month ago I was able to open a bank account with a national chain instead of my hometown's local credit union, and got it confirmed in writing from personnel at work that my direct deposit would be canceled and switched for my new bank account this past pay cycle.

Only to discover that the worker who I talked to didn't submit the cancel request when they said, and submitted everything the day before payday. My check was written to a closed account instead of the standard first check for the new account. I called personnel to see if they could fix it before the end of the day, and they said they couldn't fix their mistake until next week. The guy I talked to implied it was my fault and said they'd have to confirm all my information again.

I don't want to get fired but what would be a good course of action? This employer has in the past taken up to 6 weeks to onboard me, 4 weeks to issue my first paycheck and three weeks to set up a simple email and computer login. I am planning on talking to my boss first thing tomorrow, and bring receipts to show what had happened. I don't want to be taken advantage of but I don't want to lose my job either. I am hourly, and have been promised to be onboarded after a trial period to full time instead of seasonal. Is there anyway I can request my paycheck that day instead of waiting for it to be issued?

I do plan on showing up to work, but I won't be “working” until they issue the check. The issue is also that due to this mistake, I missed a credit card payment and was also not able to buy groceries for this upcoming week either. Does anyone have any suggestions?

TDLR: Employer made a mistake, blames me and I miss a paycheck. Any advice?

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