
Employed, But Employed.

TL;DR At the bottom I applied for a position at a new business that was opening up in town, was interviewed and got the job! Yay! (I should mention my previous employment was something I no longer wanted to do and was looking to change my field of work) Signed all the new hire paperwork, joined slack, and looking forward to my new job! But it's been a little over 2 months since I was hired and signed the new hire paperwork (July 1st, 2022). The place has been operating normally and I haven't been put on the schedule the entire time. I was called in for a group meeting at the beginning of August which only lasted 30 minutes and consisted of new policies for the employees as well as things there were complaints about. During the meeting, I, and two others in the same position, were not addressed…

TL;DR At the bottom

I applied for a position at a new business that was opening up in town, was interviewed and got the job! Yay! (I should mention my previous employment was something I no longer wanted to do and was looking to change my field of work) Signed all the new hire paperwork, joined slack, and looking forward to my new job! But it's been a little over 2 months since I was hired and signed the new hire paperwork (July 1st, 2022). The place has been operating normally and I haven't been put on the schedule the entire time. I was called in for a group meeting at the beginning of August which only lasted 30 minutes and consisted of new policies for the employees as well as things there were complaints about. During the meeting, I, and two others in the same position, were not addressed until towards the end, to which the manager told us he would talk with us about our scheduling if we stayed a little bit after everyone else left. After the meeting ended, the manager told us he would be in contact about the schedule. About two weeks go by and I get a message on Friday evening asking me to come in the following Monday at 3pm, no context as to what it would be for. Monday comes around and at 2 pm, I get a message saying I no longer need to come in. Today, another meeting was scheduled for 9 am. I'm walking out the door at 8:45 am(as it's only a 5 minute drive) and get a message saying that I'm not needed at the meeting. I decided to go anyway. I get there and the assistant manager comes out of the room they are having the meeting in and tells me,”I just messaged you a little bit ago saying you didn't need to come in.” To which I reply,” I know, I saw it. But who do I talk to about me not working? It's hard and rough not to have any income for nearly three months.” She goes to get one of the managers. He comes out to tell me that the restaurant that shares the building 'should' be opening October 1st. And I ask,” So am I just expected to hold out until then?” To which he replies,” Well, that's a personal choice you'll have to make. Most of the people we have working are on salary and at the moment we don't have room on the schedule for you.” End of conversation, I leave. That last little bit about most employees being on salary is not true. I can see who is scheduled and when, and I know a few of them(being from a small town of about 5000 people).
I've been applying at other places and haven't heard anything back.

I'm at a loss as to what to do here! If there's any advice or insight I can get on my situation, it would be extremely helpful!

TL;DR – I applied for a new job, and was hired. However it's been a little over two months and have yet to be put on the schedule. No communication from anyone except for a meeting or two that I was told I didn't need to attend.

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