
Doing the minimum, should I feel bad?

Without disclosing too much info, I basically work at a company with decent pay, good benefits and I have my own private office. It’s salary but they are strict on a 9-6 schedule for all employees. Each day, I come in and have 3-4 things I schedule to do for that day. I get them done, but I always have 4-5 hours of the day left with nothing to do. Sometimes I watch YouTube or play phone games. The people I work for tell me I’m doing a great job and they are really happy that I’m getting tasks done for them that they don’t have time to do. I honestly feel like I could leave at 12-1 every day. I can’t of course tell my boss “hey I only need to be here from 9 to 1 everyday” because obviously they would think I “could do more”. Even though…

Without disclosing too much info, I basically work at a company with decent pay, good benefits and I have my own private office. It’s salary but they are strict on a 9-6 schedule for all employees.

Each day, I come in and have 3-4 things I schedule to do for that day. I get them done, but I always have 4-5 hours of the day left with nothing to do. Sometimes I watch YouTube or play phone games. The people I work for tell me I’m doing a great job and they are really happy that I’m getting tasks done for them that they don’t have time to do. I honestly feel like I could leave at 12-1 every day. I can’t of course tell my boss “hey I only need to be here from 9 to 1 everyday” because obviously they would think I “could do more”.

Even though I am getting the tasks done each day, I can’t get over the fact that I have so much extra time. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the stress-free environment but I can’t get over the feeling that I should be doing more with so many extra hours. It sounds stupid, because I know a lot of people would kill for this. To be honest, it’s really just weighing on me and I know it shouldn’t.

The dilemma is, I don’t know if I want to do more. Why should I? Should I go above and beyond for the same pay? Something inside of me tells me I should be doing more, but I don’t because why the fuck would I work ‘extra’? So my boss can make more money while I stay at the pay?

Does anyone else feel this way? Maybe I just need some people to tell me that I am doing the right thing or that I’m not. It’s kind of fucking up my mental health.

Any advice?

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