
Unethical work practices? *rant*

Currently in a job – ex manager left 4 months into my job, and the guy who joined at the same time as me left a week after my ex manager left. Now there's 4 people in my company left, and I'm the only one left in my “department”. Repeatedly spoken out about the lack of support and guidance (I'm new to the job), but to no avail. Boss in fact told me that I should be “grateful” that he's not dismissing me since I'm the only one left in the “department”. Naturally, I've been job seeking then. Had my probation review a month ago, and was ready not to accept their confirmation, but they offered me an extended probation instead, to which I accepted. Thought it would be fair that if I leave, it would be a shorter notice than a longer one as a confirmed staff. I've only…

Currently in a job – ex manager left 4 months into my job, and the guy who joined at the same time as me left a week after my ex manager left. Now there's 4 people in my company left, and I'm the only one left in my “department”. Repeatedly spoken out about the lack of support and guidance (I'm new to the job), but to no avail. Boss in fact told me that I should be “grateful” that he's not dismissing me since I'm the only one left in the “department”.

Naturally, I've been job seeking then. Had my probation review a month ago, and was ready not to accept their confirmation, but they offered me an extended probation instead, to which I accepted. Thought it would be fair that if I leave, it would be a shorter notice than a longer one as a confirmed staff.

I've only applied to less than 10 other jobs, but got pulled aside by my manager today and she yelled at me for a whole five minutes that these people who she called her network/ connections/ friends, have been calling her to tell her that I'm job seeking. She basically said it's wrong for me to do so because job seeking while I'm employed reflects badly on myself and the company – this is not illegal btw. Basically she bullied me into resigning, telling me that I should just go if I'm so unhappy, and then start the job search. Who even does that? She also said it’s bad that I’ve been attending interviews behind their backs – which I’ve taken cleared my leave days for, and this just sounds like a joke to me because did she expect me to drop her a text that I’m going for interviews?

TLDR: pissed that the hiring company leaked out that I was job hunting to my current company. Current manager yelling at me for looking out for other jobs instead of talking civilly and finding out what’s wrong just reaffirms my decision to leave this toxic workplace.

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