
Bosses and my union screwing me.

I’m a college student who got hired for a part time job at a grocery store last month. I never heard anything from management until last week they asked me to come in and start over a month after my hire date. I got my paycheck today and I owe the union over 10% of my pay due to owing them money for the weeks I was hired but didn’t work and this will continue every week for the next month On top of an initiation fee. When I told them that’s bs because I wasn’t working they basically told me that it’s not their problem when my bosses have me work just when I’m hired. The only good benefits of the union is medical pay and tuition reimbursement but my schooling is already free and my medical is covered under my dads retirement. Also I have another non union…

I’m a college student who got hired for a part time job at a grocery store last month. I never heard anything from management until last week they asked me to come in and start over a month after my hire date. I got my paycheck today and I owe the union over 10% of my pay due to owing them money for the weeks I was hired but didn’t work and this will continue every week for the next month On top of an initiation fee. When I told them that’s bs because I wasn’t working they basically told me that it’s not their problem when my bosses have me work just when I’m hired. The only good benefits of the union is medical pay and tuition reimbursement but my schooling is already free and my medical is covered under my dads retirement. Also I have another non union job offer that is the same hourly pay. Am I overreacting when I wanna go put in my two weeks tomorrow and go to a non union job or should I just stick this out on the small small chance that I need the legal team of the union. Since that’s the only benefit they seem to give me.

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