
Work is making me out to be the one in the wrong

For the past 6 weeks I've worked for home Depot, it's been good except for a single employee. I've dealt with everyone else who is giving me trouble, but there is one older gentleman who has been a complete ass. He constantly insults and complains about the younger generation, insults any form of work that I've and many other do. Gets angry and mad at anyone who touches his desk(really a shared desk for the department), and will just treat everyone as trash. I've finally had enough and let slip that I've been having trouble with him and now I've been called into the office to talk about it. I've been told that, that's just the kind of man he is and that he gets grumpy and blows at everyone and that you just need to walk it off. I've called them out for them letting a problematic and aggressive…

For the past 6 weeks I've worked for home Depot, it's been good except for a single employee. I've dealt with everyone else who is giving me trouble, but there is one older gentleman who has been a complete ass. He constantly insults and complains about the younger generation, insults any form of work that I've and many other do. Gets angry and mad at anyone who touches his desk(really a shared desk for the department), and will just treat everyone as trash. I've finally had enough and let slip that I've been having trouble with him and now I've been called into the office to talk about it.

I've been told that, that's just the kind of man he is and that he gets grumpy and blows at everyone and that you just need to walk it off. I've called them out for them letting a problematic and aggressive employee persist but they won't do anyone against him. The ASM said “when my husband died, can you guess who brought me and my kids dinner for nearly three weeks?”, He's a good guy. I just get the feeling that they are shielding and protecting him because they find him too useful to the store and work. He's been so aggressive and defensive about everything he does, I don't think their is a single person who can do his job.

I need some advice on this as I've now feel like I've been reprimanded for complaining about an employee to insults and demeans the effort and work I have done. I just get treated like trash and although not directly insulted, he will stare at me while complaining about the “younger generation”. So what should I do next, should I just get a lawyer or should I get a call into labor board?

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