
“Chip in “ for boss day

I just started a new virtual job last Month. A major reason I wanted to go virtual is cuz I hate office pleasantries and so-called family. Now a month into the new job, there’s a Teams gift preparation group with around 10 people. Someone apparently has been doing extensive online shopping. The per person contribution came to around $40 per person. We have 2 managers. I’m seriously thinking about quitting this job already. I can’t even start to think all the other days “to celebrate”. It always feels to me like a robbery that I have to give my $$ to people who make way more than I do??? If the day comes when I quit, can I tell my manager not wanting to contribute to occasions I don’t care about is the reason that I quit?! What do you think and what has your experience been like? I have…

I just started a new virtual job last Month. A major reason I wanted to go virtual is cuz I hate office pleasantries and so-called family. Now a month into the new job, there’s a Teams gift preparation group with around 10 people. Someone apparently has been doing extensive online shopping. The per person contribution came to around $40 per person. We have 2 managers. I’m seriously thinking about quitting this job already. I can’t even start to think all the other days “to celebrate”. It always feels to me like a robbery that I have to give my $$ to people who make way more than I do??? If the day comes when I quit, can I tell my manager not wanting to contribute to occasions I don’t care about is the reason that I quit?!

What do you think and what has your experience been like? I have worked 3 places so far and each one of them has this kind of “robbery” practice. What I prefer is, I’ll give whatever I want to whoever I like. I don’t like to be mortally kidnapped.

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