
Surreal interview process and aftermath

My husband applied for a job a month ago. Warehouse management. This was the interview process, spread our over 3 weeks: 1. 45-minute phone interview with the CEO. 2. 45-minute Zoom interview with the CEO and CTO. 3. An in-person interview with 7 people that went on for 5 hours. Several times he caught them asking trick questions (like, they intentionally made math errors and congratulated him for catching them.) 4. They give great feedback, but ask him to go in for a full “trial day.” He offers to go in for a half-day (we were already getting the idea that it was not a good fit and I already was pretty firmly on Team Don’t Work There.) Weirdly, at every step he was asked about his nationality. (He’s a Turkish immigrant.) They promise to get back to him that day, but don’t for 3 days. They asked for references…

My husband applied for a job a month ago. Warehouse management.

This was the interview process, spread our over 3 weeks:
1. 45-minute phone interview with the CEO.
2. 45-minute Zoom interview with the CEO and CTO.
3. An in-person interview with 7 people that went on for 5 hours. Several times he caught them asking trick questions (like, they intentionally made math errors and congratulated him for catching them.)
4. They give great feedback, but ask him to go in for a full “trial day.” He offers to go in for a half-day (we were already getting the idea that it was not a good fit and I already was pretty firmly on Team Don’t Work There.)

Weirdly, at every step he was asked about his nationality. (He’s a Turkish immigrant.)

They promise to get back to him that day, but don’t for 3 days. They asked for references from people who worked under him and END UP OFFERING THEM JOBS repeatedly despite those people ignoring the offers.

When he doesn’t get an answer, he emails and they finally tell him he didn’t get it. They said he did great, but the team leads didn’t think he’d be a good fit.

I’m pretty sure they didn’t hire him because he wouldn’t work a full day when he hadn’t even been hired.

They asked for feedback about the interview process (!?!) and he said he did not feel like they valued his time, thought it was weird that they offered his references jobs, and was uncomfortable with how many people asked him where he was from.

Now they won’t leave him alone. The CTO said they were allowed to ask about nationality. The CEO denied offering his former employees jobs (until he sent her screenshots that they sent him.)

He stopped responding and, days later, the CTO emailed my husband to tell him he didn’t get the job because he was “disrespectful and not a team player” and the fucker CC’d both of my husband’s former employees. So he’s trying to blow up his previous references.

This is just weird. I’m a teacher and this was way more intense than any interview process I’ve been in.

I consider it a dodged bullet, but my husband is worried that they’re sabotaging his job search and I’m 11 weeks pregnant.

It’s California, for context.

ETA: Again, it’s very good he won’t be working there. It’s just bizarre how much time was involved and how they still want to fuck with him.

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