
How to kill the movement

Alright, so I know bosses lurk in this sub. I know there might be some capitalist reading this and wondering “How do I stop this? How do I prevent people from organizing?” Well, I'm gonna snitch. Not the very thing someone who mods should say. But, here's the secret to stopping any movement that might spring from this dead: ​ Fucking pay people a living wage Give them goddamned health care and days off Stop treating them like shit I know I might be thrown out for giving up the vital weakness of the current worker's movement. But let's be entirely honest: The people who put themselves in charge won't do any of the above unless we, the workers, make them.

Alright, so I know bosses lurk in this sub. I know there might be some capitalist reading this and wondering “How do I stop this? How do I prevent people from organizing?”
Well, I'm gonna snitch. Not the very thing someone who mods should say. But, here's the secret to stopping any movement that might spring from this dead:

  • Fucking pay people a living wage
  • Give them goddamned health care and days off
  • Stop treating them like shit

I know I might be thrown out for giving up the vital weakness of the current worker's movement. But let's be entirely honest: The people who put themselves in charge won't do any of the above unless we, the workers, make them.

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