
Micromanager doesn’t like the format of my mandatory shift reports he makes me do

I have a director that is majorly into micromanaging. He likes all of his supervisors and managers to make daily reports of what they did. I’m not exactly a “supervisor” but I technically still fall into that category. His latest complaint is that he hates the layout I have for my report. It’s an excel sheet with color-coded categories, then a description of what I did. He tells me he wants it done differently and that I give too much information, that he doesn’t need to know every little thing. My report was fine for the whole year and a half I’ve been doing it, but of course it’s only NOW a problem. He couldn’t even give me an idea on how he thought it should be formatted! He knows my job is different from the actual supervisors, so I can’t use their template. I swear he just thrives on…

I have a director that is majorly into micromanaging. He likes all of his supervisors and managers to make daily reports of what they did. I’m not exactly a “supervisor” but I technically still fall into that category. His latest complaint is that he hates the layout I have for my report. It’s an excel sheet with color-coded categories, then a description of what I did. He tells me he wants it done differently and that I give too much information, that he doesn’t need to know every little thing. My report was fine for the whole year and a half I’ve been doing it, but of course it’s only NOW a problem. He couldn’t even give me an idea on how he thought it should be formatted! He knows my job is different from the actual supervisors, so I can’t use their template. I swear he just thrives on causing conflict where there doesn’t need to be any….

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