
Disabled, Unhappy and Unsure

Hi there! I am hoping it is ok for me to post in this sub asking for advice, if not I apologize! I am a physically disabled and I had a job a couple months ago (am on leave) that was a bad work environment (still feels odd to say). The job really messed me up. So much so, I have severe PTSD (I am in therapy). If it's OK, I rather not go into detail. I am not entirely blameless, I know I definitely made mistakes too, but the issue today is that I feel like I can never work again. I am now unsure about the industry I was working in as a whole as well. I don't know what I want to do with my life. I have an associates degree but I was never able to figure out a step beyond that. No matter what I…

Hi there! I am hoping it is ok for me to post in this sub asking for advice, if not I apologize!

I am a physically disabled and I had a job a couple months ago (am on leave) that was a bad work environment (still feels odd to say).

The job really messed me up. So much so, I have severe PTSD (I am in therapy). If it's OK, I rather not go into detail.

I am not entirely blameless, I know I definitely made mistakes too, but the issue today is that I feel like I can never work again.

I am now unsure about the industry I was working in as a whole as well.

I don't know what I want to do with my life.

I have an associates degree but I was never able to figure out a step beyond that. No matter what I do to work on myself and this issue, I don't seem to get any closer to my next step forward.

I have insane medical bills, require treatment multiple times a year in order to function, so I can't afford to do something low paying. I was making 60k and was still struggling big time.

I have considered going on disability but it's not nearly enough money and…

I don't want to give up.

I want to contribute. I want to keep growing as a person. I want to be a part of things. It gets me emotional thinking about it, because I have this work PTSD, these physical difficulties, this happiness without working (I legit found myself again), this fear, general worries about work culture (the type of stuff posted here daily) … But also this desire, this ambition, a want to be secure (and not need to ask for help monetarily from my parents) /make an impact, to do something with my life.

I am in therapy (so so much of it!) and am working on my health. I am also working with vocational rehab.. But it's been months and with all I have done, I don't feel like I am getting anywhere or have figured out how to deal with it all.

I am lost.

Do you have any suggestions/advice kind reader?

I would love to work hybrid, so on good days I can go in and on bad days I can stay home.

I love animals, helping others, making a difference, contributing to something greater beyond me, and the elderly.

I have interests in hr, marketing, pr, non profits, film, art and…?

I would love to come home and feel like I did something positive. (I am sure a lot of us would!)

Do you all know of any hybrid, remote, positive, inclusive companies? Somewhere that would be super understanding about my disability perchance?

Any ideas on how to figure out what I want to do with my life job wise? (sadly, a lot is off the table for me)

I will take any help I can get.

Thank you so much for reading!

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