
There’s gotta be something I can do here, right?

I recently got fired from an old job, for showing up late by 5 minutes, once. However that was about two and a half weeks ago and they still haven’t mailed me my last check. They don’t do direct deposit at this place either. I called them today and they essentially said “I don’t know that’s weird, we’ll check on it”. It’s not in the place either so I can’t go get it. I’m just wondering if there’s anything I can do legally or anything at all to get them to hurry the fuck up. It’s damn near the end of the month and I’ve got bills like the rest of us.

I recently got fired from an old job, for showing up late by 5 minutes, once. However that was about two and a half weeks ago and they still haven’t mailed me my last check. They don’t do direct deposit at this place either. I called them today and they essentially said “I don’t know that’s weird, we’ll check on it”. It’s not in the place either so I can’t go get it. I’m just wondering if there’s anything I can do legally or anything at all to get them to hurry the fuck up. It’s damn near the end of the month and I’ve got bills like the rest of us.

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