
Another I hate my damn job post

Well, to start I work for a large bank as a maintenance technician. And boy, is it hell. I've been stuck here for 5 years, with the promises of promotions that never fucking come. I can't do it anymore. I've reached a breaking point, and I'm about to boss if he wants to step outside. I'm tired of dealing with his micromanagement, incompetence, and overall shitty attitude. I get zero help from management, yet they consistently drop all of their problems onto me because they are fucking lazy. I am pretty sure the definition of a Manager is- good for absolutely nothing. Inflation is up 10 percent basically, got a 2 percent raise this year while living in a state with one of, if not the highest cost of living in the country. I'm drowning. And these motherfuckers had the nerve to threaten to fire me for getting a…

Well, to start I work for a large bank as a maintenance technician. And boy, is it hell. I've been stuck here for 5 years, with the promises of promotions that never fucking come. I can't do it anymore. I've reached a breaking point, and I'm about to boss if he wants to step outside. I'm tired of dealing with his micromanagement, incompetence, and overall shitty attitude. I get zero help from management, yet they consistently drop all of their problems onto me because they are fucking lazy. I am pretty sure the definition of a Manager is- good for absolutely nothing. Inflation is up 10 percent basically, got a 2 percent raise this year while living in a state with one of, if not the highest cost of living in the country. I'm drowning. And these motherfuckers had the nerve to threaten to fire me for getting a second job to barely stay afloat. Fuck these people, fuck this job. I'm tired of going above and beyond for companies and getting fuck all in return. Gone are the days of hard work getting you places, it just fucking gets you more work with the same damn pay. Society sucks, and I'm over it.

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