
Boss is out of town until Friday but I don’t want to wait that long to send my resignation.

I’m trying to figure out if it’s in poor form to send a resignation email or just wait until I see him in person. If I send an email I know he’ll just call me immediately. I’ve wanted to quit for a while and now that he has been out of town he adds more and more to my list of tasks (I’m GM at a brewery/restaurant) and it’s just too much work for one person. Not to mention he’s only owned the business for six months and has never worked in the service industry before (imagine an episode of Bar Rescue with idiotic owners). I just hate it there so much. I was recently out sick with covid and he still called me every single day to ask for something that he could have done himself. It’s incredibly frustrating and it feels like I’m baby sitting a 55 year…

I’m trying to figure out if it’s in poor form to send a resignation email or just wait until I see him in person. If I send an email I know he’ll just call me immediately.

I’ve wanted to quit for a while and now that he has been out of town he adds more and more to my list of tasks (I’m GM at a brewery/restaurant) and it’s just too much work for one person. Not to mention he’s only owned the business for six months and has never worked in the service industry before (imagine an episode of Bar Rescue with idiotic owners). I just hate it there so much.

I was recently out sick with covid and he still called me every single day to ask for something that he could have done himself. It’s incredibly frustrating and it feels like I’m baby sitting a 55 year old man. I have other job offers but I can’t except until I know what day will be my last at my current job.

Idk I guess this is just me ranting, if anyone has any advice it’s much appreciated.

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