
I wish that I could rent an apartment on a part-time salary. Maybe everyone should be able to.

I'm really enjoying my new job at the grocery store. My sleep health according to my Fitbit has skyrocketed since I quit full-time work. I actually mostly like my coworkers, I really do feel like we're working together and accomplishing something somewhat meaningful and appreciated. It's been good for my self-esteem and mental activity to interact with customers, remember where things are on the shelves and do the various tasks associated with my position. I'm very fortunate that I can barely eek out a living $11/hr, 30hr/week with just minutes of commute. However my roommate is wanting to finally get his boyfriend to move in. I also pretty much only have reign over my one bedroom, which because of the minute size, is so easy to get messy. I think having my own place would be best for everyone. I have been trying to find a place with my sibling…

I'm really enjoying my new job at the grocery store. My sleep health according to my Fitbit has skyrocketed since I quit full-time work. I actually mostly like my coworkers, I really do feel like we're working together and accomplishing something somewhat meaningful and appreciated. It's been good for my self-esteem and mental activity to interact with customers, remember where things are on the shelves and do the various tasks associated with my position.

I'm very fortunate that I can barely eek out a living $11/hr, 30hr/week with just minutes of commute. However my roommate is wanting to finally get his boyfriend to move in. I also pretty much only have reign over my one bedroom, which because of the minute size, is so easy to get messy. I think having my own place would be best for everyone.

I have been trying to find a place with my sibling and two of their friends, and I really miss living with my sibling as we're rather close, but there aren't any homes for rent close to my workplace with four bedrooms. I really, really don't want to quit or move workplaces. The people in this neighborhood are very nice. The same chain store downtown is kind of a shit hole.

My mental health is quite fragile, frankly. I have schizoaffective disorder, which entails depression comorbid with various delusions trying to leak in here and there. It's good for me to have my sleep and not be stressed out at my job. I find my job active and engaging rather than stressful. (I really hope it stays that way for a few years, not go back to an absolutely miserable baseline.)

I also got my bachelor's in graphic design, and I have more free time to work on my portfolio at more my own pace. Much of my college work was lost due to poor system migration. I got my degree for my passion's own sake, which many would call foolish. Commission freelancing work pace did not work out for me at all.

It took my roommate four years to qualify for disability benefits, and even then, there are still many issues to be resolved. It makes me feel like I shouldn't even bother.

I really feel like I'm contributing according to my ability, earning just according to my need. I'm not so sure there should be extenuating circumstances like mine either to justify making a wage enough for personal independence upon a part-time position. I feel like I am contributing to society just fine.

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