
Non-compete questions

I work at a smaller IT company who manage around 70-80 clients with around 20 employees. One of our clients (who I have grown quite close with and have managed nearly on my own for the past 2 years) has offered to hire me full time as their sole IT guy. In general sense of non-compete agreements, would my current company have grounds to sue either me or the client if I were to take this offer? The only reason I come here to ask is simply because I don't want my current company to know I might be considering this offer and I am unsure as to how to ask our HR for my non-compete agreement without raising flags.

I work at a smaller IT company who manage around 70-80 clients with around 20 employees. One of our clients (who I have grown quite close with and have managed nearly on my own for the past 2 years) has offered to hire me full time as their sole IT guy. In general sense of non-compete agreements, would my current company have grounds to sue either me or the client if I were to take this offer? The only reason I come here to ask is simply because I don't want my current company to know I might be considering this offer and I am unsure as to how to ask our HR for my non-compete agreement without raising flags.

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