
How do you envision an ideal society without work?

When I think of my ideal society I, like I think many others here (but I know not all), envision one with work but in a way that is just much, much differently structured than it currently is. Obviously I don’t have the “right answers” and it’s no one person’s job to have them, but I’d just like to brainstorm here. The memes are nice but productive discussion is nice too 🙂 The way I see it, shit needs to get done (food needs to be grown, things need to be built though obviously like at 1% of the rate we’re currently building besides maybe housing), kids need to be taken care of, medical needs addressed. But there are tons of jobs out there that don’t need to exist, so if we wound it down to only the necessary jobs, maybe we’d each work 5-10 hours a week. Maybe everyone’s…

When I think of my ideal society I, like I think many others here (but I know not all), envision one with work but in a way that is just much, much differently structured than it currently is. Obviously I don’t have the “right answers” and it’s no one person’s job to have them, but I’d just like to brainstorm here. The memes are nice but productive discussion is nice too 🙂

The way I see it, shit needs to get done (food needs to be grown, things need to be built though obviously like at 1% of the rate we’re currently building besides maybe housing), kids need to be taken care of, medical needs addressed. But there are tons of jobs out there that don’t need to exist, so if we wound it down to only the necessary jobs, maybe we’d each work 5-10 hours a week. Maybe everyone’s basic needs will be met regardless of if we work 0 or 40 hours a week. Maybe if work was optional, 99% of people actually WOULD opt to work – work that contributes to society and makes it a better place (again, maybe only for 5-10 hours a week though). Maybe governments have systems where each citizen signs up for whatever sector they want to work in and their shift or two is the exchange for being a citizen.

I say maybe at the end of all of this because it’s just ideas, and I’m curious to hear everyone else’s. How do you see work – working? And if you are someone who is truly anti work AS A WHOLE, what does that mean to you and how do you see society functioning in your ideal society?

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