
I’m so fed up.

I hate my job. I hate my life. I hate this fucking society. I don't give a shit about Walmart customers or whether we run out of stock. Y'all can milk your own damn cow, churn your own darn butter, grow your own fruits and veggies, and hunt for your own meat! I just want to live like it was 1865 again, in my own little cabin that I built myself somewhere in the woods. I can't wait for total societal collapse, as long as we're plunged into the apocalypse and anarchy.

I hate my job. I hate my life. I hate this fucking society. I don't give a shit about Walmart customers or whether we run out of stock. Y'all can milk your own damn cow, churn your own darn butter, grow your own fruits and veggies, and hunt for your own meat! I just want to live like it was 1865 again, in my own little cabin that I built myself somewhere in the woods. I can't wait for total societal collapse, as long as we're plunged into the apocalypse and anarchy.

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