
SO FUCKING SICK OF THE JUNIOR PAY RATES (legalised discrimination)

Why is it that I an adult earn 70 cents for every dollar my older coworkers receive for the same job???? Jesus Christ I'm fucking trying so hard, I'm putting in the work yet I'm still stuck choosing between my meds, food and rent every paycheck because the Australian government has decided 18 year olds don't deserve a liveable wage, it's fuckibg ridiculous!!!!!!!

Why is it that I an adult earn 70 cents for every dollar my older coworkers receive for the same job???? Jesus Christ I'm fucking trying so hard, I'm putting in the work yet I'm still stuck choosing between my meds, food and rent every paycheck because the Australian government has decided 18 year olds don't deserve a liveable wage, it's fuckibg ridiculous!!!!!!!

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