
Do people not know it’s basically a job requirement to piss in bottles at Amazon?

TL;DR: Your Amazon package almost certainly has piss particles on it. Does the general public not know, or not care. If so, what exactly would need to happen for them to care? I work at Amazon part time as a delivery driver, and it’s an unwritten (but often verbally spoken) rule that employees need to pee in bottles throughout their shift. Basically we have to deliver to x(usually 20) number of stops per hour (I assume for the company to remain profitable). If you fall behind that pace, you get in trouble from your dispatcher. The dispatcher tracks that throughout the entire day, and the clock does NOT stop while on break. In other words if you if you take your break, it tracks as you delivering to 0 stops for that entire time. I’m usually far enough ahead that I can take my break and use the bathroom once…

TL;DR: Your Amazon package almost certainly has piss particles on it.

Does the general public not know, or not care. If so, what exactly would need to happen for them to care?

I work at Amazon part time as a delivery driver, and it’s an unwritten (but often verbally spoken) rule that employees need to pee in bottles throughout their shift. Basically we have to deliver to x(usually 20) number of stops per hour (I assume for the company to remain profitable). If you fall behind that pace, you get in trouble from your dispatcher. The dispatcher tracks that throughout the entire day, and the clock does NOT stop while on break. In other words if you if you take your break, it tracks as you delivering to 0 stops for that entire time.

I’m usually far enough ahead that I can take my break and use the bathroom once during the break. However, being that you’re constantly walking throughout the 10 hour work shift, you get dehydrated fast and drink a ton of water. Most employees take about 4 water bottles per shift, and so you pretty much always have to use the bathroom more frequently during the
10 hours.

Being that I usually deliver to residential areas, where the nearest convenience store/fast food place/gas station bathroom is a 5-10 minute drive, then 5-10 minutes back, you would most certainly fall behind the required pace if you were to stop somewhere to use the bathroom, and would eventually get fired.

There is also a list of immediately fireball offenses at Amazon (one of which is public urination). I found this to be odd when I first started, but it makes perfect sense now.

So the fact is that I would say 90% of male Amazon drivers piss in bottles (I’d say 3 bottles per shift) in the vans in order to remain on schedule.

This has been confirmed by other friends I have who are drivers as well as by my dispatch managers. When I once asked how we were supposed to use the bathroom while still finishing our route in time, she said that when she was a diver she wouldn’t take her break for the day and instead made bathroom pit stops. She said that males had “other” methods.

It’s kind of a secret “joke” among workers, who I assume are too embarrassed to say anything, but really, it’s just inhumane.

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