
Need my tribes advice!

If wrong sub, lmk. I can’t express disdain for work in other subs so apologies in advance. Ok so long story short, I despise my job working as a production manager at a film distribution company. I started my career 20 years ago and thought working in entertainment was so ducking cool and needless to say I’ve been through the ringer a lot. Mental breakdowns, prescriptions, mental health leaves, etc. this shit sucks. I wish I could really explain to you how ducking awful it is more than I already am. I want out. I’m done. We fired the person below me because she was always drunk at work and just a bad seed (to the company). Pissed me off a bit how no one cared if she was ok but moreso how much time she was stealing from the company. Now that she’s gone I am doing the work…

If wrong sub, lmk. I can’t express disdain for work in other subs so apologies in advance.

Ok so long story short, I despise my job working as a production manager at a film distribution company. I started my career 20 years ago and thought working in entertainment was so ducking cool and needless to say I’ve been through the ringer a lot. Mental breakdowns, prescriptions, mental health leaves, etc. this shit sucks. I wish I could really explain to you how ducking awful it is more than I already am.

I want out. I’m done. We fired the person below me because she was always drunk at work and just a bad seed (to the company). Pissed me off a bit how no one cared if she was ok but moreso how much time she was stealing from the company. Now that she’s gone I am doing the work of about 4 people as we both were already overworked and exploited. So now I’m really really done. Cannot wait to leave and blow this company’s reputation up on LinkedIn with the worst reviews.

I have to work unduckingfortunately so I figure if I have to work it’s going to be for humans at a human level at a not for profit. I’ve been interviewing for low level entry level jobs because of course I only have stupid vapid television experience. I had an amazing interview at a child advocacy center and they really liked me and asked me if I could read up on some stuff like assisting on grant writing etc which I was like oh yeah totally! So I’ve been doing my homework and now after doing so much research I’m totally into this.

Interview was last week. 6 days ago. I am dying to know what they thought and have zero patience as I’m dying to get out of my current position. Do I just wait or do I email the interviewer and present to her all my research and show her what I’ve learned? My mom (a boomer but she’s learning and is my confidant) is an HR professional and says it may seem desperate. Idkkkk I don’t mind looking desperate to leave my abusers. And I feel like I can convey the passion I have to help people in my follow up email.

Do I just wait?! Or be bold and go for it like everyone always says to do until you really wanna do it? I need change asap! Help my lovely anti work friends!

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