
From who I least expected

So my(M18) father(M46) has always been a fairly anti establishment guy, real hating the government believing in rage against the machines cause type guy. He's been a self employed contractor his whole life and was homeless for 4 years until recently. Im in between jobs right now after my last awful one washing dishes. I live with my grandfather and was discussing with him how the internet is really slow and we were joking about it and he said, “Oh you should pick up a part time then earn a little cash” Im sure we're all aware of how Amazon operates on this sub so I replied, “Im not working for amazon” and he sounded so dumbfounded by it and was perplexed why and I told him, “They're modern day slave drivers and treat you like cattle” and he believed none of it. Didn't wanna believe the pissing in bottles…

So my(M18) father(M46) has always been a fairly anti establishment guy, real hating the government believing in rage against the machines cause type guy. He's been a self employed contractor his whole life and was homeless for 4 years until recently. Im in between jobs right now after my last awful one washing dishes. I live with my grandfather and was discussing with him how the internet is really slow and we were joking about it and he said, “Oh you should pick up a part time then earn a little cash”

Im sure we're all aware of how Amazon operates on this sub so I replied, “Im not working for amazon” and he sounded so dumbfounded by it and was perplexed why and I told him, “They're modern day slave drivers and treat you like cattle” and he believed none of it. Didn't wanna believe the pissing in bottles testimonies wouldn't believe the essentially not having breaks testimony.

This man who I always looked up at to as a rebel starts quoting to me that, “That's not legal there are labor laws in this country don't believe everything you hear online or that your friends tell you”. We stopped discussing it but it still gets under my skin that someone so failed by the system could argue to me how lucky we are to work for a place like Amazon.

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