
[Rant] I used to see this subreddit as a place for lazy people who want to do nothing in life. I got my first job few weeks ago, and I am already sick of it.

Here comes my rant, so get comfortable. I used to read this subreddit long time ago, since I started going to college, and always considered it to be toxic. To me, it seemed like a place for lazy people to come and complain about their boss/workplace and so on, while taking no responsibility for their life. Also, I believed it to be a place that attracts left marxists exclusively. And was I wrong. Anyways, I am from one non American country (but developed one!) so please note that social situation, political views and economical reality may differ from what people experience in America. Since I started my education back when I was 6/7 years old, I was considered to be doing great. Without false modesty, I was always the best (or at least in top) among my peers. I was studying hard, always pushing myself, sometimes way more than it…

Here comes my rant, so get comfortable.

I used to read this subreddit long time ago, since I started going to college, and always considered it to be toxic. To me, it seemed like a place for lazy people to come and complain about their boss/workplace and so on, while taking no responsibility for their life. Also, I believed it to be a place that attracts left marxists exclusively. And was I wrong.

Anyways, I am from one non American country (but developed one!) so please note that social situation, political views and economical reality may differ from what people experience in America.

Since I started my education back when I was 6/7 years old, I was considered to be doing great. Without false modesty, I was always the best (or at least in top) among my peers.

I was studying hard, always pushing myself, sometimes way more than it is healthy? Why? Because this will ensure happy future. Once I establish myself, find good job, I will be economically free and have time for getting social and finding a woman of my life and forming a family, right? Having time and money for hobbies. Thats what everyone told me. My family, teachers and some friends. Eh, wrong.

What hurts the most is that, under such guise, I neglected every other part of my life. I have very little friends, I have been single for the past 3 years, I would eat unhealthy and skip workouts when I was in rush. Sometimes, I would make time for my tasks by reducing the sleep. And so on.

Well, but it is worth it, right? Right??

After finishing high school (best in the town) I did my tests that are needed for enrolling the college. On the list, I was in top 10% in the best college in my country.

I did pursue my undergrad degree in Computer Science and after 3 years, I finally got it.

This is when I decided to start working before starting my Master. Money will be needed, especially if I want to keep my studies abroad.

Took time to make a CV and applied for few junior positions.

Waited for about a month, and then the fun part started. Interview round 1, then tests, then round 2 and so on.. rejected for some of the jobs. And finally got my first acceptance. Fuck yeah!

Working time: 8AM – 4PM

Salary: 5€ per hour (bit less actually, I converted this from my local currency and rounded up)

I wake up. Go to work. Skip breakfast as I can not get enough rest if I wake up earlier. Half time commute in each direction. Sit down in the office. Listen to my older colleges telling me what to do and trying to learn more about it. College did not prepare me for any kind of job apparently, and others “can not understand” how I know this little. And I am far from stupid person, I did have IQ score of 140+ on reputable tests. Meanwhile those that are on top positions in a company spend time doing nothing, ranting about their own lifes and chilling. And getting paid a lot for that.

I get home about 5PM. Eat something quickly, take 2 hours of sleep, go to the gym and if I have any time, read or clean the house.

And repeat. All over again.

For less than $900 a month. My rent is $500, supplies about $100. Gas, grocceries, gym, clothing, therapy (going for depression).. i do not want to count.

Not to mention hobbies or night outs, as even if I had money, I have no time for those anymore.

And it is not just me. Not just my workplace. All my colleges from college go through the same shit, and are paid the same.

My family is still like “but it is your first job, stay patient, keep grinding and it will be great”

Nah I am sick of that. Fuck them all.

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