
how can I get shitty management in trouble?

Title sounds like a karen but hear me out. My bf is a closer for mcdonalds. I worked with him for a few months so I know for a fact that he picks up the slack of others. This mcdonalds is fucking filthy. Mold and standing water by the tea containers. Old grease. Slimy frappe machine. Its bad but people that report get fired because some managers let people take home food at night and some don't so everyone can be acused of stealing. Here lately they've been hiring alot of teenagers and people with health issues that call in often. The managers pick and choose who can call in as many times as they want and who can't. Today all the night closers all called in but him. This has happened multiple times withing the last month. He's also the truck guy and gets to do that alone as…

Title sounds like a karen but hear me out. My bf is a closer for mcdonalds. I worked with him for a few months so I know for a fact that he picks up the slack of others. This mcdonalds is fucking filthy. Mold and standing water by the tea containers. Old grease. Slimy frappe machine. Its bad but people that report get fired because some managers let people take home food at night and some don't so everyone can be acused of stealing. Here lately they've been hiring alot of teenagers and people with health issues that call in often. The managers pick and choose who can call in as many times as they want and who can't. Today all the night closers all called in but him. This has happened multiple times withing the last month. He's also the truck guy and gets to do that alone as well. He's too nice to get pissed at anyone. The head manager and assistant manager are old fucks that are only there for the health benefits so they don't give a shit. Is there ANYTHING I can do to help? Or make them do better?

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