
How popular is the FIRE movement around here?

For those who don't know, FIRE means financial independence retire early, it's all about working as much as possible while you're young so you can retire early and be financially free. Ever since I discovered it 5 months ago I've been saving like crazy with the goal of retiring in 15 – 20 years assuming the stock market plays ball. I kinda feel like it's taking over my life in a way because all I can think about is retiring, every month completed is another month closer to retiring. Anyway what's everyone's opinions on FIRE? I can't fucking wait to retire that's all I know.

For those who don't know, FIRE means financial independence retire early, it's all about working as much as possible while you're young so you can retire early and be financially free. Ever since I discovered it 5 months ago I've been saving like crazy with the goal of retiring in 15 – 20 years assuming the stock market plays ball.

I kinda feel like it's taking over my life in a way because all I can think about is retiring, every month completed is another month closer to retiring. Anyway what's everyone's opinions on FIRE? I can't fucking wait to retire that's all I know.

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