
Thought I was getting a promotion, idk what even just happened

I work for a large retail corporation I'm not going to name. I've worked here for three years. In those three years I've been serious. I'm a forty-something single mom and I need max pay plus benefits at this stage of my life. I'm not tooting my own horn but I've proven myself. When I was still in the temp phase I had three section managers arguing over me. It ended up being my decision but one offer was too sweet to pass up. They sweetened the deal because the manager is a known hard ass that goes by all the tedious rules. Little did they know I would have chosen her anyway because in the three years I've been here she's taught me everything she knows. Now I'm putting myself out there for management positions. You know, the shittiest ones no one wants because they're brutal and they're the…

I work for a large retail corporation I'm not going to name. I've worked here for three years. In those three years I've been serious. I'm a forty-something single mom and I need max pay plus benefits at this stage of my life.

I'm not tooting my own horn but I've proven myself. When I was still in the temp phase I had three section managers arguing over me. It ended up being my decision but one offer was too sweet to pass up. They sweetened the deal because the manager is a known hard ass that goes by all the tedious rules. Little did they know I would have chosen her anyway because in the three years I've been here she's taught me everything she knows.

Now I'm putting myself out there for management positions. You know, the shittiest ones no one wants because they're brutal and they're the crucible in which new talent cuts their teeth proves themselves.

There's a certain manager, higher on the food chain than most others, that's been courting me for a while to work for him as a regular associate. I turned down slightly more pay once to avoid him, he's the worst type to work for. Nothing is ever good enough type and I take advice from others who's been here longer. Steer clear of this guy. I'm not here to make my work environment worse than it already is. But as it turns out I took a position in my own section raising what I made by a third. I'm now on the tier of highest paid regular associate.

So yesterday this manager no one wants to work for says he wants to interview me for a manager spot that would increase my pay by another third, which is huge. It's life-changing for me. So I do the interview. I can't turn down that kind of money especially before Xmas with three boys at home. I nailed the interview.

Today he pulls me back to the office. I'm excited, I can't lie, I know it's going to be brutal but the money is just too good. Well he tells me I didn't get it. Nope. It went to a person that's been here for less time. Then he proceeds to tell me that he wants me to leave my area, come work for him for a year for less pay, THEN he'll consider me for management.

I think he did all of this just to try, yet again, to get me to work for him as a regular associate. If for some reason I suffered some brain damage tonight and decided to work for him, he'd never give me a management position. I know the play, he wants me to come there, take more responsibility than most regular workers, and have a manager he doesn't have to pay management wages.

I have nothing against the person who did get the position. They probably have more experience than me in that particular area. But that slap in the face. What a waste of time. I would have accomplished more taking a shit for the time I wasted yesterday and today. To get my hopes up then kick me in the tits. It really makes me want to change employers altogether. This is my second interview and second let down. I know I have a lot to offer but apparently it's not what they're looking for. Or at least they don't want to pay for it. I'm just waiting for the day I'm forcefully demoted so I can do management tasks for regular pay.

Not going to happen.

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