
Advice to handle bad coworker

I apologize if this isnt the right place to post this. So at my job I am in charge of gathering, stickering and loading up batteries on to trucks for the 3 route truck drivers. So drivers will send in their battery order at 2-2:30p and i will pull the order and load them up when they get back which should be before 4:15 at the latest since warehouse close at 5p. Usually there is like 2 other coworkers helping me but as of a couple months ago its just been me doing it with some help from others here and there but 90% of the time its just me. The drivers should help with their own orders but only one consistently helps. So as of lately all 3 of thr drivers have been sending in their orders around 4p and get there between 4:45- 5p so Ive had to…

I apologize if this isnt the right place to post this. So at my job I am in charge of gathering, stickering and loading up batteries on to trucks for the 3 route truck drivers. So drivers will send in their battery order at 2-2:30p and i will pull the order and load them up when they get back which should be before 4:15 at the latest since warehouse close at 5p. Usually there is like 2 other coworkers helping me but as of a couple months ago its just been me doing it with some help from others here and there but 90% of the time its just me. The drivers should help with their own orders but only one consistently helps. So as of lately all 3 of thr drivers have been sending in their orders around 4p and get there between 4:45- 5p so Ive had to rush to get everyones orders done by 5p. Now the coworker Im having trouble with is the manager of the route drivers so he is in a higher position than me but not my direct boss. And he has been on my case about times little things I should be doing but since its just me and im being rushed I choose not to do or forget to do. For example, he will tell me I forgot to wipe down the batteries so that the stickers stick on well or didnt put the front sticker (which is not necessary to put on) or forgot a battery or little things like that. So he technically isn’t wrong i should be doing those things but again im the only person doing the job and im rushing since the drivers are getting in late. He knows this and is fully aware his drivers are sending in their stuff late and still gets on my case about it. I was wondering in your opinion should I say something to him next time he gets on me, something like “well maybe if your drivers got their stuff in on time and actually helped me pull their own orders, since im the only one doing it…” or should i continue to just brush him off?

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