
Could use some advice regarding possible discrimination

My girlfriend works at a surgery center and found out she was pregnant a few months after she started. Since then she has received a modified work notice from her doctor stating that she cannot be on her feet more than 50% of her shift after she said she wasn’t comfortable being in the O.R. cause she could pass out or get nauseous and either of those things could be massive safety hazards while operating on a patient. Her work accepted this and said that they have a modified position available for her scanning paperwork and that’s it (this was a verbal exchange) there was no mention of other responsibilities. Today was her first day back on modified schedule and they were training her to scan the paperwork when she was asked to relieve another technician in the OR for a 30 lunch. She said she couldn’t do that, and…

My girlfriend works at a surgery center and found out she was pregnant a few months after she started. Since then she has received a modified work notice from her doctor stating that she cannot be on her feet more than 50% of her shift after she said she wasn’t comfortable being in the O.R. cause she could pass out or get nauseous and either of those things could be massive safety hazards while operating on a patient.

Her work accepted this and said that they have a modified position available for her scanning paperwork and that’s it (this was a verbal exchange) there was no mention of other responsibilities. Today was her first day back on modified schedule and they were training her to scan the paperwork when she was asked to relieve another technician in the OR for a 30 lunch. She said she couldn’t do that, and they said “ok that’s fine we have plenty of work for you to do out here” well 20 minutes after that she gets a phone call from HR saying that there was NO work for her and that they are putting her back on leave and not to come in the next day.

She then emailed HR asking for the owners email to talk to him directly since if she did end up having to take this to court it would be him that was defending. And instead of giving the email they called her and left a message asking her to call them back.

So basically I’m just wondering if she should get an attorney for this or if there is even a case here?

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