
Is it even worth going back?

Little backstory, I work for a company that produces automotive window's for car's. When I started 2 years ago when I originally started, they made a big deal about following the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). They went as far as to say that if we even used the same kim wipe on 2 window's that could be grounds for termination for not following SOP's and that they already have terminated people for it. So, alright they are strict about following the rules. Fast forward to Monday, a machine reached it's cycle limit of 80 part's and required cleaning. Only problem… no cleaner. So I asked HR if it was allowed to break the SOP and they said only if a PT says it's okay.. This threw me off because they made a big deal about we do the things we say, and say the things we do and yet here…

Little backstory, I work for a company that produces automotive window's for car's. When I started 2 years ago when I originally started, they made a big deal about following the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). They went as far as to say that if we even used the same kim wipe on 2 window's that could be grounds for termination for not following SOP's and that they already have terminated people for it. So, alright they are strict about following the rules.

Fast forward to Monday, a machine reached it's cycle limit of 80 part's and required cleaning. Only problem… no cleaner. So I asked HR if it was allowed to break the SOP and they said only if a PT says it's okay.. This threw me off because they made a big deal about we do the things we say, and say the things we do and yet here were allowed to deviate.. I mean yeah if PT says it's okay and HR and Supervisor don't know yet and they see you breaking the SOP its pretty much game over anyways.. So I asked them, what about all the osha violations?

Oh boy, within 30 minutes they were out on the floor fixing those violations. They were ranging from improperly storing pallets (leaning against things), to unlabeled chemicals (is that IPA or MEK?), and electrical control box's blocked off. I ended up clocking out 2 hours early and taking a 1/2 point penalty for it.

Then Tuesday comes. I clock in at 8:00am and begin the shift. In the first 30 minutes another employee yells at me that he was upset I went home early Monday. I yelled back, “it's not like you never went home early, it's my points anyways” and he gets right up in my face and says he will beat my ass. I knew I had to tell hr or it would get to both of us swinging. So I went immediately to HR. They reviewed the cameras and suspended the other person. They also suspended me, they said it was to do the investigation which is alright. But now they are saying there's issues with me coming back and that I need to talk to their consoler to make sure I don't have any unresolved anger over the situation.

I don't quite get where they are trying to come at me from. But I can assure you if I have any other issues, it wont be spoken with to them but directly with what ever regulatory agencies they are in violation of. I saved them from fines and they suspend me.

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