
Walked out a week before the place shut down.

Back in college, I worked for a toasty sub shop. Not a bad gig overall. The crew was a lot of fun and we all worked hard. The owner (not a manager) was actually working the morning shift most days. It was kind of a bummer as he watched the place like a hawk and would take all the daytime deliveries. Well… a freaky fast sub shop opened up across the street. Not to long after, my toasty sub shop was closing it's doors for good. We had maybe a months notice. At this point in my life, I had mostly worked in the food service industry and was able to quickly find a job working at a pizza place down the street. I enjoyed my time there and had really good connections with the whole crew. I agreed to continue to work both jobs until the place shut its…

Back in college, I worked for a toasty sub shop. Not a bad gig overall. The crew was a lot of fun and we all worked hard. The owner (not a manager) was actually working the morning shift most days. It was kind of a bummer as he watched the place like a hawk and would take all the daytime deliveries.

Well… a freaky fast sub shop opened up across the street. Not to long after, my toasty sub shop was closing it's doors for good. We had maybe a months notice. At this point in my life, I had mostly worked in the food service industry and was able to quickly find a job working at a pizza place down the street. I enjoyed my time there and had really good connections with the whole crew. I agreed to continue to work both jobs until the place shut its doors for good.

The last week this place is open, I'm doing the usual food prep. I was slicing tomatoes and saved the top parts to dice up later. We all have heard it. “Label Date Initial Rotate.” I put a date sticker on this bin of tomato tops.

Now, the owner has had an attitude problem for a few weeks now. I don't blame him. He couldn't keep his store a float even when he worked there full time. He was calling every evening before close to get the final days numbers.

So, this owner walker right up to my bin of tomato tops. Points at my sticker and says. “Are you trying to waste my money.” Now I'm just doing my job the right way and I'm good at it. In disbelief that he just got in my face over a sticker, I shrugged and said. “I guess so.”

He proceeds to blow up right in my face in front of customers. I stand there and smile the whole time. Calls me a coward for not yelling at him back. I gave the customer a quick wink when he said that. He finishes by asking me if I even want to work there.

I already was working my replacement job! I hung up my apron and told him I didn't want to work there. He then threatened to call my new job, that I already had, and give them a talking to. I told him to go ahead. He didn't.


Sandwich shop was closing down. Found replacement job, but agreed to work until the sandwich shop closed. Owner straight blew up in my face over a date sticker I put on some food prep. Walked out a week before it closed and the owner threatened to call me new employer. He didn't.

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