
serious conversation

I would like to have a serious conversation about the workplace. Work isnt everything, but when I am there I genuinely want to improve and be impressive in my job because that is the kind of person I am. Why though, when I google “how to be impressive in the workplace?” Is the first result “be the first to arrive and last to leave everyday?” Why does working the longest equal effectiveness? No one is truely working a full 8 hour (or longer cringe) day that is spent being productive 100% of the time. So tell me, what are the things that people do at work that impress you that don't consist of the typical “work is everything” mindest/ bullshit? I apologize if this doesn't belong on this thread.

I would like to have a serious conversation about the workplace. Work isnt everything, but when I am there I genuinely want to improve and be impressive in my job because that is the kind of person I am. Why though, when I google “how to be impressive in the workplace?” Is the first result “be the first to arrive and last to leave everyday?” Why does working the longest equal effectiveness? No one is truely working a full 8 hour (or longer cringe) day that is spent being productive 100% of the time. So tell me, what are the things that people do at work that impress you that don't consist of the typical “work is everything” mindest/ bullshit?

I apologize if this doesn't belong on this thread.

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