
Just found out that I won’t be receiving additional pay for the work that I was doing outside of my Job Discription.

So I already know what you’re thinking based on my title.: ” and??? I manage tasks beyond my job description all the time” However, I'm a licensed healthcare professional. When I accepted my current role 7 months ago, I intended spend 100% of my working hours to do what I was licensed to do. About 4 months into my employment, my boss had ask if I could do some administrative work. I obliged because I'm a team player but I also didn't mind being paid my healthcare salary for completing administrative duties. Things take a turn for the worst when he reveals that he's a semi retired lawyer and is in desperate need of a paralegal. He doesn't ask for my input and shortly after his revelation, he creates an LLC and my official titles are and paralegal. At this point, I'm a bit agitated, because I am dedicating 15…

So I already know what you’re thinking based on my title.:

” and??? I manage tasks beyond my job description all the time”

However, I'm a licensed healthcare professional. When I accepted my current role 7 months ago, I intended spend 100% of my working hours to do what I was licensed to do.

About 4 months into my employment, my boss had ask if I could do some administrative work. I obliged because I'm a team player but I also didn't mind being paid my healthcare salary for completing administrative duties.

Things take a turn for the worst when he reveals that he's a semi retired lawyer and is in desperate need of a paralegal. He doesn't ask for my input and shortly after his revelation, he creates an LLC and my official titles are and paralegal.

At this point, I'm a bit agitated, because I am dedicating 15 hours a week to being a paralegal whilst my skills in my chosen field of study are starting dwindle.

Yesterday, my boss forwarded me an email from his client, allowing him to charge $100 an hour for my paralegal services. I was pretty elated until it was explained to me that my rate as a paralegal would not differ from my rate as a healthcare professional.

To put it in perspective, my boss receives $2000 hourly for his legal services. Why does he need to cash in on another $60 hourly?

Am I missing something here??

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