
My boss sued our company for the same reason I quit

I worked 10-12 hour days last year training a new team as the company I worked for “restructured” and moved my team to another country. At year end, I felt I deserved my entire bonus, my supervisor felt I deserved less. When I pointed out departmental goals we achieved in addition to goals I personally achieved, I was told that it was done and we’re moving forward. So I asked our legal department to see if I could get out of my non-compete agreement. This led to me being let go as they figured if I wanted out, I could just go and they’d move my job out of the country and save more money. Come to find out, my supervisor was suing the company for not giving them the amount of money they felt entitled to after a deal had closed. I find it ironic that my supervisor walked…

I worked 10-12 hour days last year training a new team as the company I worked for “restructured” and moved my team to another country. At year end, I felt I deserved my entire bonus, my supervisor felt I deserved less. When I pointed out departmental goals we achieved in addition to goals I personally achieved, I was told that it was done and we’re moving forward. So I asked our legal department to see if I could get out of my non-compete agreement. This led to me being let go as they figured if I wanted out, I could just go and they’d move my job out of the country and save more money.

Come to find out, my supervisor was suing the company for not giving them the amount of money they felt entitled to after a deal had closed. I find it ironic that my supervisor walked away with millions while I was looking for a couple thousand in bonus after busting my ass all year. Supervisor settled the lawsuit and left the company two days after me.

Just a stark reminder that there is no loyalty and I’ll look out for myself better in the future.

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